Reflector Energy Type
The Reflector is the rarest energy type - only 1% of the population. All their centers are open - they have no definition, only gates. They are wise observers and reflect what is happening in their community. Reflectors are constantly sampling energies around them making them the true mirrors for society with the greatest potential for wisdom out of all the types. They take in the energy around them and amplify it. Their purpose is to reflect back what is happening in society and the community in which they live. They are a reflection of whoever they’re with and wherever they are.
As a Reflector aborbes and becomes the energies around them, it is important to put themselves in places and around people that feel good. When they follow what feels good to them – being in the right environment & around the right people – the right opportunities come to them. If they are in a place or in company that doesn’t feel good, it is time to reconsider their surroundings and could be a sign to remove themselves. This feeling is not random. The Universe is showing them where to change to align with their dream life.
Reflectors are meant to invest their energy into what lights them up and excites them which is also a reflection of what lights up the people around them. They need to commit to themselves to leave places that don’t feel aligned and follow their call to environments that support them. This is where they will experience all the synchronicities and opportunities the Universe wants for them.
There is pressure in society to find one purpose, and adhere to one identity. But this defeats the purpose for a Reflector. They are not meant to be just one thing or have one path - they cannot be labelled. Their identity and purpose is always evolving. They feel like a different person every day, because they literally change according to transits and the people they are around. They need to resist the urge to limit themselves by adhering to strict labels or their past identities. Their magic is in their openness and fluidity. They are not always going to show up consistently every day - Some days they will have so much energy, and other days they won’t. They are the ultimate chameleon who shape shifts every day.
Reflector Challenges
Reflectors need to understand that they operate differently from 99% of the population - so always stay in tune with their own body. Energetically, Reflectors are blank slates who are very empathic and open to other energies, so it is important to just sample and not hold onto. It can feel overwhelming if a Reflector carries the weight of the world at all times. They can feel good one day and terrible another. Alone time is very important to release the energy they have picked up in the day and return to their own natural rhythm. If they are feeling perpetually overwhelmed, it is a sign to shift up their environment and people they surround themselves with.
Strategy: Wait for a lunar cycle
Unlike the other types, Reflectors are considered Lunar beings as they are deeply connected to the moon. The strategy for a Reflector is to wait approximately 28 days to make a big decision. This is because they
Every day is different for the Human Design Reflector. They can feel like a different person each day, with different desires, feelings and prospects. So when making big decisions, it’s best to wait 28 days as their perspective changes over time. Waiting a full moon cycle allows them to see how they feel once they’ve moved through the ups and downs and different identities.
Reflectors may feel pressure to make quick or spontaneous decisions, but this will often lead them down the wrong path. To help them get clear, Reflectors need a consistent, trustworthy community in their lives. When Reflectors are making big decisions they may need to talk it out with friends as they have no internal authority. It is important to take their time, see how they feel about the decision over a month, journal about it, and surround themselves with good, supportive people. They need to trust, release and go with the flow - they will be steered in the right direction if they are in the right environments. A slow decision makes a faster result as they get to where they are actually meant to be. Not down the wrong path due to a quick, spontaneous decision.
Not Self: Disappointment
Your Not Self is the signal that lets you know when you're off track.
A Reflector in their not self theme will feel a sense of disappointment. This means they do not feel inspired or surprised by their life and the people in it. It can feel like beauty, awe, specialness and vitality in the world is gone. Thinking “is this it?”. It is often a clue that they need to change things up in their lives - make different routines, be around different people, in different environments. Open themselves up to more synchronicities and beauties that life can bring.
Signature: Surprise
Your Signature is the signal that lets you know when you're on track.
A Reflector’s Signature is Surprise, which feels like a sense of awe, wonder and fulfilment in discovering what is unique and beautiful in the world. When a Reflector is living their design, life will reflect back moments of joy, surprise and lightness. They will be surprised when they experience something they haven’t before - something different to what they ordinarily see and feel let down by. They experience a child-like joy and see the world with a fresh set of eyes, despite being extremely old souls.