Signature Self: How to know if you are on the ‘right’ track
I often hear, how do I know if it is the right decision for me?
Or how do I know if I am on the right track?
Short answer: Your body will tell you.
Long answer: Your intuition is always guiding you moment to moment and what is right for you will always feel resonant and expansive in your body in the present. You will feel a return on your energy investment - maybe not externally instantly but you will feel an internal flow of energy moving through your body in a satisfying, meaningful way.
Believe it or not, the answers never come from a heady, overthinking, logical place. It isn't if you have the bulletproof plan or that it looks good on paper - it is how it FEELS in your body in the present moment. Because NOW is all we have.
When does the future happen? It happens in the present.
When did the past happen? It happened in the present.
We only have the feeling and somatic sensations of the now to guide us. And these add up moment to moment to create your path and life as a whole. Our body is always giving us feedback, we just need to know how to listen and decipher what it is saying. Instead of looking for external validation that we are doing well.
So this is why we have our “Signature Self” in Human Design to give us understanding of when we are on track. (Or how I like to call the Soul Self - check out last week's podcast all about connecting with the Soul - it's a goodie!!). It is the bio-feedback from your body when you are living true to your strategy and authority (aka your intuition and sustainable energy flow). It's how you ACTUALLY answer the question of “am I on the right track?”
In reverse, our “Not Self” of frustration, anger, bitterness or disappointment is biofeedback from our body that we need to come back into connection with ourselves, our strategy and our intuitive authority. This is not about shaming or judging ourselves, but getting curious. It might just need to be a small tweak where you aren't giving yourself some time alone, or you are continuously overdoing it.
Don't get me wrong, there will always be challenges in our lives - this is how we grow and evolve. But perpetually being in your Not Self day in and day out is not a life to live. It should feel satisfying or successful (depending on your signature) to move through the challenge and hardship once you do.
Here are some ways to know if you are connected with your Signature:
GENERATOR: Life in my signature of Satisfaction
I no longer ask what the world needs, instead I ask what makes me come alive & do that - because that's when I am most of service. What the world needs is more people who have come alive. I realise it's not so much what I say or do, but the energy & feeling I invoke in others. I follow what feels right in my body, rather than what makes sense in my mind. When I feel frustrated, I see it as a sign that I need to return to my gut and get curious. I feel deeply satisfied when I sink my teeth in & accomplish what is on my heart. Life has become an exercise of how much fun can I have. When I lift myself up, I lift everyone around me and the impossible becomes inevitable.
MANIFESTING GENERATOR: Life in my signature of Satisfaction
I have thrown out the rule book. I no longer subscribe to how life "should" look so it''s turning out better than expected. I move at my own pace, even if it is faster than others. When I do what expands me, the world around me expands also. My joy gives others joy. When something starts to bog me down, I release it. Never letting my energy stagnate by forcing something that is no longer for me. My 'NO' is just as powerful as my 'YES!' When I trust my gut instinct, I am steered to exactly where I am meant to be. I don't question or judge when I feel called to something new or to change directions, I know that I am being guided to something bigger & better. When I embrace my fast-moving ever-evolving process, I am alive in my true state of creative freedom and expression. I am proof that work & play can be intertwined.
MANIFESTOR: Life in my signature of Peace
I have full creative freedom over how my life looks & feels. I birth whatever is bursting through me at any given moment. I follow my urges without questioning how it will be received. My chosen people accept me as I am and celebrate all that I am creating. I no longer try to be anything other than who I am. When moments of doubt or anger present, I come back to my truth, release what needs to be let go of and devote back to my vision. I move at my own rhythm, never forcing my creativity when the inspiration or energy isn't there. I take advantage of the spurts of energy & rest when they are not. Rest is a part of my creative process. I understand that my purpose is revealed every time I open my mouth & speak from the heart.
PROJECTOR: Life in my signature of Success
I have as much space in my day for stillness as I do stimulation. I have found my sweet spot: doing what i love, what I am naturally good at and what the world needs. The small moments of presence & recognition feel just as good as the bigger ones. I no longer constantly push for more, and instead see the value I already bring. I share freely, feel seen & recognised for my expertise, with nothing to prove. I have autonomy over my days & accept only aligned invitations. I am always reaching greater depth & layers in my mastery. While, resting guilt-free. I have created my soul family who see, get me, better me & are bettered by me. My successful life is one where I have released the pressure to be anything other than who I am.
REFLECTOR: Life in my signature of Surprise
I live authentically as myself moment-to-moment. I accept myself today, without needing to define myself tomorrow. I don't live in a future I have no business in trying to control. Instead I create space to be surprised, inspired and in awe of how miraculous life can be. Whenever I feel off or disappointed, I reflect back on how I may have lost my way down another person's path. I have learnt to no longer mould to other people's expectations & instead withdraw from any environments that no longer feel healthy to me. I feel connected with my home & people. They see the wisdom I hold deep within my bones. Life feels like an adventure with endless possibilities & paths to explore. I take my time because there is no rush.
THIS is your Signature Self, or your Soul Self.
Your body is always communicating to you on the health of your Soul.
We just need to listen and give ourselves the same love and care.