GATE 46 HUMAN DESIGN: What can your body teach your mind?
The past few days, we have been transiting with the Sun in Gate 46, which is all about embodiment and love for our physical body. You may be feeling quite tired and fatigued, depending on your cycles and season, so this is a time to invite stillness and nurture the delight that is to be in human form. Your body is what brings to life your desires, creations, connection and purpose. We need to look after and adorn it.
Embodiment is not an idea, or a theory. It is a state of being, where you feel connected and attuned to your body and senses. It is a state in which the mind listens to the body. Ultimately, it is a state of being in which the division between mind and body dissolves. It is where you are practicing what you have learnt, so that it is now your norm. For example, in my deconditioning process I needed to learn how to work as a Projector, and now it is an embodied way of being that I don't even question. Or with my emotional authority, I cry without creating a story around it. I often dance to let my emotions move through me. It isn't an active thought process anymore, it is embodied.
You feel embodiment when you drop down from your thinking mind into the feeling body. When you quieten your mind, tune into your intuitive authority and let your body guide the way. You feel embodiment when you are moving, walking, dancing, running, surfing, swimming. You feel embodiment when you feel grounded when your feet scrunch grass between your toes, or when an emotion is released from your body. You feel embodiment when you are in touch with the present moment, when you are really here now.
How can we deepen embodiment?
First, we must admit that while the mind knows things, it does not know everything. The mind is not our decision maker and Human Design connects us with our body consciousness. We then become curious: What does our body know that the mind does not? We can only discover what the body knows by an act of receptivity, by listening deeply. We are pretty good at listening to the mind - our thoughts, ideas, and opinions. But many of us have not listened much to the body, or learned its non-conceptual language.
This is the time to experiment and listen to your body. When you listen to your body in this way, you discover gems of wisdom held by your somatic field (inklings, sensations, emotions). Get still, get quiet, be open. What is your body communicating to you when you slow down, in a meditative state and it is free to communicate? Where do you feel it in your body? Any sensations present? What does your intuitive voice of your Authority give you clues on? Is there anything that needs to be released?
PONDER ON: What can the body teach the mind?
The problem I see however, is that we ignore our body's signals, push through, live from the mind and think that our answers are constantly from outside of ourselves. When really we need to connect within, tune into our own body's knowing, and integrate & make decisions from there. Remember Human Design is an experiment of connecting with YOUR body's natural wisdom and YOUR way of doing things. Not another's way of doing things.
Whether that means experimenting with following your gut this week, or directly asking your body questions & seeing the sensations that present, or just doing the things that help you ground and connect with your body. You can't do any of this wrong. It is just a portal to connect deeper with your beautiful vessel. Celebrate the delight that it is to be a Human - to hug your people, to swim in the ocean, to put your feet in freshly cut grass, to laugh with your partner - whatever make you feel alive and present.