Incoming with this week's update. You may be feeling intense energies, we are currently in the midst of a series of eclipses. It can make you feel like you are in a vortex - struggling to stay afloat. Eclipses are often feel uncomfortable and exhausting, as they are showing you where it is time to step out of your comfort zone. It is highlighting where you are ready to change and evolve. The more change needed, the more intense this time will feel.
Change can be scary, but it is the one constant we have in life. Any change, even for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts. The mind doesn't like change, it involves uncertainty and is unknown. Henry Ford famously said, “If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said ‘Don’t change anything.’” To change is to grow, to evolve, to be alive. The more comfortable you can become in the uncertainty of change, the more safe you will feel in life. Change before you are forced to (because your body, your health or the Universe will need to intervene if not).
If you don't like it, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude about it. We are the perpetrators of our own suffering. You can change your future by simply changing your attitude.
Your thoughts and beliefs are powerful and create your reality. Be careful what is being echo-chambered in your mind as this is what you are manifesting in your outer world.
Right now, we are currently transiting Gate 28 of Duration which feels very fitting. It is an intuitive energy for guiding people into their highest potential. There is a heightened ability to see the big picture, sense what needs to change, and redefining what success and a good life means to you. You may be gaining greater clarity of where you have been playing small, sacrificing your happiness or self abandoning. Take note of the intuitive hits, re-occurring events or synchronicities happening in your world, it is an invite to explore other possibilities and step into your power. I have gotten greater awareness where I was still staying small - and that's no longer going to be my story.
The universe is always speaking to us - sending us messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more.
Eclipses also activate signification change and leaps through the process of letting go and moving away from what is no longer serving us. Whatever comes to mind intuitively that you know deep down is ready to be released, begin to at least be honest with yourself and acknowledging this need. Comfort the part of you that may be resistant to change, or that isn't trusting your own abilities and strength. Remember you have more potential and gifts to give than you think! Start entertaining steps that could be done to begin making small changes towards this different future.
This energy can also bring a fear of failure and rejection. A belief that if you try or change, you will fail. Remember that this voice is not fact. It may feel real because it's your experience, but it is not objectively true. Always come back to your Strategy and Authority - that is the only voice to be trusting at this time.
Please be gentle with yourself during this time. Get the rest you need and nourish your body. You may be craving more time alone so give yourself that space. If you are feeling an emotional rollercoaster, allow yourself to release these energies. Remember emotion is energy-in-motion, more in this podcast. Get the support you need, you don't have to do this all alone.