Gate 63 of Doubt in Human Design

The sun is currently in Gate 63 of “Doubt” which brings a sense of skepticism and potential distrust in yourself and the world around you. Many feel like they are in a cloud - feeling pressure to gain clarity, doubting themselves, second guessing decisions and overall feeling ungrounded and uncentered. A common theme of asking “what is this even all for?” “do I have what it takes?” “is this even worth it?”. ESPECIALLY if things aren’t panning out as quickly as you had hoped. 


You may just be finding yourself trying to make sense of things from the past, or obsessing on “how” things are going to happen in the future. It is (sadly) a common occurrence during transitions to doubt if it is not all happening right away. Thinking that it means you're meant to be doing this. This was a belief I once had but let me tell you, it's not how the world works. Especially if you expect it to just fall in your lap. Life requires you to take action towards your vision and be in the energy of what you wish to create. It's not about forcing, but taking aligned inspired action. While being patient in becoming a person you haven't been before.


Self doubts are just fears to protect you from loss, failure, rejection. Yet the irony is that, doubt often makes you lose out on what you may have gained by fearing the attempt. Your doubts are not the truth. Rather they are fear-fuelled stories you create about who you are, what you’re worth and what you’re capable of achieving. Most often than not, your doubts are the opposite of truth.


This is the time to really anchor into your practices that help you feel connected to yourself and stay in your trust. Self trust and confidence is not about being perfect or doing all the right things. It is trying something outside of your comfort zone, and knowing that you will still have your own back when you are not perfect. Let yourself be new, be a beginner, start something for the first time. 


The worst thing is not taking any aligned action due to doubt of your own capabilities. If right now you are extra overthinking, self doubt or asking “what the hell am I even doing?”. Especially if you're in periods of change & transition. Be kind to yourself, you're human in these times. This does not mean your project, work or people are wrong for you. Let this moment of questioning pass and stay rooted in your knowing & vision. Don't burn it all down. Your inner intuition is your guide, not your overthinking monkey mind.


Make Your Mission Bigger Than Your Fear.

Get clear on your why to find the courage needed to step through doubts and risk failing. 


Mind vs Intuition: Come back to your Strategy & Authority. If you have an intuitive nudge calling you somewhere, it's because there is something there for you. Don't let the doubt talk you out of it - you are more than capable! 


Nourish and nurture yourself now. Anchor into your intuition. This will pass, you've got this. This is the time you can experiment with your creativity and inspiration - open your mind and explore your curiosities. Start to make aligned inspired action forward and show your body that you can step into the unknown. This is where your confidence is built - disproving your mind’s stories by doing the scary thing and SURVIVING (or better yet, thriving).


What would the empowered, self-believing version of yourself move through the world? Do exactly that, because that's your true essence, not the fear blocking it. Thank your doubts for trying to protect you, then tell them you’re not here to live a safe life, you’re here to live the biggest life you are capable of living. Then put your hand on your heart, picture your success, take a big long breath and then JUST DO IT!  As research has found and experience has taught me, every time you take action in the presence of your doubts you dilute their power and amplify your own.


Feeling in limbo in the in-between


How to make decisions from your intuition and not your mind