How to make decisions from your intuition and not your mind

Not think about a decision or an emotion or a fear, but FEEL in your body. 


This is a question we should ask ourselves in ANY decision.


It is the most life-changing way to move through the world. 


How does your relationships feel in your body? How does your daily routine feel in your body? How does showing up to your work feel in your body? How does that new possibility feel in your body?


Sadly, many rarely ask themselves that. Or validate and listen to what it is saying.


Maybe just maybe, if you leave a friend meeting & feel drained, or you show up to work with a pit in your stomach - that it might not be a place to invest your energy.


And maybe just maybe if you feel excited, interested, curious or energised - then you should be going more of exactly that!


Instead of just answering about a decision or speaking about a situation/dynamic on a cognitive level straight from the mind. Stop, pause, close your eyes (to detach from the world) and tune into your intuition. Envision the possible decision (as though anything is possible), do you feel a constriction in your body? Anxiety? Excitement? Curiosity? Expansion? Peace? Calm?


THIS IS YOUR INTUITION, and it's trying to show you the REAL answer of your next step.


Too often we feel like the answers are outside of us - in another person, in a sign or even based on “logical” norms.


This is why I believe so many people feel lost and disconnected from themselves, because they don’t realize that they have a navigation compass within.


The problem is, we think that the clarity comes when a lightening bolt strikes us with certainty of what to do. This very rarely, if ever, happens. So we just stay waiting and put things off another month, year or decade.


Your intuition is simply a often subtle internal response and feedback. It is bio-feedback of what to add in more of, and what to begin to let go of. 


Scanning our body for tightness, emotion, specific sensations whenever you envision or have a decision to make, can help provide insight into your next steps moving forward. 


Excitement, enthusiasm, joy, curiosity, expansion, potential = more of this, move towards this. Dread, drained, constriction, pit in your stomach, boredom, feeling trapped = less of this, start to begin to let these things go.


No one outside you is the keeper of all the right answers, not even your therapist or coach. No one knows what is best for you, except you.  All these people’s role is to help you make decisions based on your true self, and much of that can be tapped into through noticing how our body responds. 


This is how I guide others and also teach in my Certification. Your ideas based on your intuition are always the best, and I love that the clients I have in m space are empowered in that way - no one is looking to be saved.


Often if one has experienced anxiety or illness, it can be hard to trust your body. It can feel like you vs your body. But it is not against you, it is guiding you and wants to heal. There can be a fear of tuning in and feeling emotions because it can be overwhelming. 


But by bringing awareness to how our body responds in our present moment we are breaking the cycle of being controlled by external feedback and disconnection to our intuition. You are connecting deeper to yourself.


We need to ask ourselves this question, “how does it feel in my body?” more. For example, if you force something in your routine you don't want to do, or leave that friend feeling shitty, or show up to work full of dread  - your body is telling you, please less of this or change this.


Or when you have big curiosity and excitement when you share what you newly learnt to your partner.


NONE of this is by accident. THIS IS YOUR INTUITION. It's not so big and tricky to connect to. 


Build a relationship with your body and your life will change forever.


Take a moment now, close your eyes, and feel into a decision you have been weighing up - HOW DOES IT FEEL IN YOUR BODY? Rinse and repeat for the rest of your life :)


Gate 63 of Doubt in Human Design


Gate 19 in Human Design