The Ajna Center: Overcoming the Pressure of Mental Conditioning & the Overthinking Monkey Mind. 

On the pod, I am diving into the Ajna (Mind) Awareness center within the Energy Center Series.


Out of ALL the energy centers, I see this as the one that most trips us up and holds us hostage in our conditioning and Not Self.


So many of us live purely from mental pressure and chatter (and I get it, intrusive thoughts and limiting beliefs used to live rent free in my mind 24/7). It wasn't until I understood how the mind works (it is wired for risk-adversity and sameness), did I then start to WITNESS and not believe it as fact. And instead, connected to my body and intuition as my decision maker. 

Before asking “what am I supposed to do?" “what’s my full plan & direction” or “where am I meant to go?” First ask “how connected am I to myself?” Because your answers, purpose & direction will naturally flow on once you are. 

Use your HD as the directory guide to connect with those parts of yourself. Then with this awareness, it is a daily practice to tune in, listen to your body’s feedback & honour where you feel called to go. Trusting your gut, or your intrigue, or excitement and moving in THAT direction. And trust me, it never fails - in hindsight it will all make sense.

Don’t try to reverse engineer it. That’s all from the pressure of the mind & leads us down the path of our conditioning. Connect inwards & then you’ll start connecting the dots outward. It is this daily devotional practice that is the foundation to create the life & change you desire.

I dive in how to decondition your mind and be in HEALTHY expression of your mind (no longer dictating your life and choices from the overthinking, monkey mind). In the podcast, I dive into:


// Exploring the Ajna Center

// Understanding Conditioning and Awareness to Rewire your Mind

// The Power of Intuition Over the Mind

// Navigating Mental Pressure and Intuition

// Embracing Uncertainty and Letting Go

// Overcoming Fear (how to feel the fear's discomfort and let it pass so it no longer holds you hostage).

// Embracing Uncomfortability for true Growth

// What it means if you have a Defined vs Undefined Ajna







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