Stop just giving your gifts away for free

I see you, you have a heart of gold and you care


People come to you out of seemingly nowhere, because they sense that you can help them. 


You love to support and guide people - you are people's first call when they need advice. 


I know you desire to make a big impact and want to create a business that genuinely helps people.


The problem is, you are starting to get a little resentful and burnt out in the process of just giving it all away!


This is because it goes against the law of exchange - you need to receive for how much you give.


It's not about taking from people - but having the respect for their transformation that they take your words and time SERIOUSLY and actually implement in their lives. And you receive sustainably so you can show up time and time again. 


Money is simply an exchange for solutions received. Where are you not allowing that exchange to happen because “you would do it for free”.


NEWSFLASH: This is why you should create a business for this. 


I would do my current work for free, but it also isn't realistic because we have lives to pay for. Nor is it fair to either parties!


This is the reason why you need to create a sustainable business that supports you helping people and making an impact. YOU need to receive abundantly for the gifts you have - it's natural divine energy movement. The solutions you give need to also receive and be sustained.


Picture this: 6 weeks from now in full clarity, confidence and peace knowing that you are in your power and purpose - creating your dream business and attracting clients that are MADE for your offerings. You are able to go all in as you have deep understanding and embodiment of how to make it happen, YOUR way. You are full of fire & momentum with your action plan to make your desires & impact happen. You feel supported and resourced to LAUNCH into the world!


I GUARANTEE you will feel clear and confident in launching your soul offering, and have the practical foundations to attract your dream clients and consistent revenue.


This is why I have created the Advanced Human Design Certification and Create Space.

These are more than just a self development or business courses - you will TRANSFORM in the process. You will no longer doubt your value, your contribution or your money making abilities - you will be soaring into your biggest expansion!


Imagine 6 weeks from now and FINALLY having your business off the ground 🚀


Will you join us?


The Ajna Center: Overcoming the Pressure of Mental Conditioning & the Overthinking Monkey Mind. 


Energy Centers in Human Design