Energy Centers in Human Design

BY FAR, my favourite part of Human Design that gives us the most valuable, tangible information and awareness of our true self vs conditioned self energy is the energy centers (besides the energy type & authority of course). 


But oddly enough, I have noticed that it is the least spoken about online. Expect if you have been in my spaces of course. 


Any perpetual frustration, anger, bitterness, disappointment, burn out or feelings of being lost & confused is often because we are stuck in our conditioned beliefs & behaviours. But most don't even realise it! We might be blaming our boss or partner or family. When really, it's because we are trying to force something or living (forcing) in a way that isn't true or aligned for us. 


But when we become aware of our conditioning, we can change it. If we aren't aware, we remain on autopilot and keep perpetuating what we say we don't want. 


Enter: the knowledge of the energy centers. It breaks down our conditioning so it is tangible, bite size and approachable to start to our process of letting go and rewiring our brain & corresponding behaviour. 


The students in my certification share that it is often the biggest part that moves the needle forward in their lives and in their client's lives & businesses.


So I wanted to create a free resource for you all within the ENERGY CENTER SERIES on the podcast. Each energy center has a theme, and I am going to deep dive into each.




Today, we dropped the sacral center podcast - all about life force creative energy, working, pleasure, desire. GREAT LISTEN! It is all about connecting & following your gut as a Generator & MG and how important that is in creating your impact on the world & drawing in your people. For the non-sacrals, it is about working differently, moving intuitively, preventing (and recovering from) burnout, importance of presence and how slowing down will actually create MORE success (mindblowing I know) and all the strategies I have created to get more out of your time. If you struggle to slow down and rest without guilt - this is a MUST LISTEN!



Last week, we kicked off with the Identity Center - the center that I have most needed to decondition and have created my life's work around that experience.

If you have ever asked yourself “Who am I?” “What is my purpose or direction”. Or resonate with moments in your life of feeling lost, inauthentic, stuck in places or jobs that don't feel good to you, pretending in a role or feeling like you have gone down someone else's direction. Ahem, me with law. Take a listen. You will learn all about the conditioning of the defined and undefined identity center and how to start creating YOUR aligned direction. I also share my take on purpose. You can listen here!


Remember your deconditioning is a process that is like an onion - peeling layer by layer as it presents. The Universe will always present you invitations in your life experience when it is time to unravel something specific. It's not something to rush or think you need to tackle in a day, or even a year.


If you would like to learn MORE about this incredible, indispensable guidance tool, check out the Advanced Human Design Certification.


Stop just giving your gifts away for free


Time & Pressure: Root Center