End of Year 2024 Reflection Journal Prompts

I recently stumbled across these journal prompts to support you in learning and reflecting on 2024 and taking all those learnings and wisdom into 2025.

Check out this blog to then create your vision for 2025.

Create a sacred space with yourself and your journal and flow through the below:

Year in Review - The Big Picture

How do I really feel about this last year?

What were the 3 words that define my 2024 experience?

What was my predominant theme or pattern?

What significant transformations occurred?

What surprised me most about my journey?

Growth & Evolution

What parts of myself have I outgrown?

What new aspects of myself have I discovered?

What shadows came into the light?

What triggered my biggest growth edges?

What old stories am I ready to release?

What new narratives am I embracing?

Inner Landscape

How has my relationship with myself evolved?

What self-care practices proved most nurturing?

When did I feel most aligned with my authentic self?

What boundaries did I learn to honor?

What emotions need more space for expression?

What aspects of myself are asking for more acceptance?

Relationships & Community

How has my understanding of healthy relationships deepened?

What qualities do I now recognize as non-negotiable in relationships?

Who showed up for me in unexpected ways?

How did I show up differently in my relationships?

What relationship patterns am I ready to transform?

Where could I extend more compassion (to self or others)?

Purpose & Values

What activities brought me alive?

What values became clearer through my experiences?

What choices reflected my deepest truth?

What impact did I have that felt meaningful?

What contributions am I most proud of?

What new purpose is emerging?

Energy & Wellbeing

What consistently energized me?

What consistently drained me?

What new practices supported my wellbeing?

What helped me feel most grounded?

What brought unexpected joy?

What wisdom did my body share?

Integration & Moving Forward

What lessons am I carrying forward?

What healing feels complete?

What healing is still in process?

What seeds am I planting for the future?

What support do I need to call in?

What hidden gifts from challenges can I now recognize?

Final Reflections

What else feels important to acknowledge?

What gratitude wants to be expressed?

What forgiveness wants to be offered?

What celebration wants to be had?

What promise do I want to make to myself?

Peak Moments & Joy

Brought me the most joy:

Unexpected joy:

Moment that made you laugh the hardest:

Space or environment that brought you peace:

Growth & Transformation

Most profound lesson:

Challenge you're now grateful for:

Surprising challenge that led to growth:

Pattern you became aware of:

What felt heavy that now feels lighter:

Moment you chose courage over comfort:

Relationships & Connections

Most meaningful new connection:

Relationship that evolved most significantly:

Boundary you're glad you set:

Personal Development

Habit you're most proud of developing:

Risk you're glad you took:

Dream you began pursuing:

Inspiration & Learning

Favorite podcast episode and why it resonated:

Most impactful book and its key message:


Avoid these common pitfalls when launching a business offering


Start 2025 with these Journal Prompts to set yourself up for success