Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Signature Self: How to know if you are on the ‘right’ track

I often hear, how do I know if it is the right decision for me? 


Or how do I know if I am on the right track?


Short answer: Your body will tell you.


Long answer: Your intuition is always guiding you moment to moment and what is right for you will always feel resonant and expansive in your body in the present. You will feel a return on your energy investment - maybe not externally instantly but you will feel an internal flow of energy moving through your body in a satisfying, meaningful way. 


Believe it or not, the answers never come from a heady, overthinking, logical place. It isn't if you have the bulletproof plan or that it looks good on paper - it is how it FEELS in your body in the present moment. Because NOW is all we have.


When does the future happen? It happens in the present.


When did the past happen? It happened in the present. 


We only have the feeling and somatic sensations of the now to guide us. And these add up moment to moment to create your path and life as a whole. Our body is always giving us feedback, we just need to know how to listen and decipher what it is saying. Instead of looking for external validation that we are doing well. 


So this is why we have our “Signature Self” in Human Design to give us understanding of when we are on track. (Or how I like to call the Soul Self - check out last week's podcast all about connecting with the Soul - it's a goodie!!). It is the bio-feedback from your body when you are living true to your strategy and authority (aka your intuition and sustainable energy flow). It's how you ACTUALLY answer the question of “am I on the right track?”


In reverse, our “Not Self” of frustration, anger, bitterness or disappointment is biofeedback from our body that we need to come back into connection with ourselves, our strategy and our intuitive authority. This is not about shaming or judging ourselves, but getting curious. It might just need to be a small tweak where you aren't giving yourself some time alone, or you are continuously overdoing it. 


Don't get me wrong, there will always be challenges in our lives - this is how we grow and evolve. But perpetually being in your Not Self day in and day out is not a life to live. It should feel satisfying or successful (depending on your signature) to move through the challenge and hardship once you do.


Here are some ways to know if you are connected with your Signature:


GENERATOR: Life in my signature of Satisfaction


I no longer ask what the world needs, instead I ask what makes me come alive & do that - because that's when I am most of service. What the world needs is more people who have come alive. I realise it's not so much what I say or do, but the energy & feeling I invoke in others. I follow what feels right in my body, rather than what makes sense in my mind. When I feel frustrated, I see it as a sign that I need to return to my gut and get curious. I feel deeply satisfied when I sink my teeth in & accomplish what is on my heart. Life has become an exercise of how much fun can I have. When I lift myself up, I lift everyone around me and the impossible becomes inevitable. 


MANIFESTING GENERATOR: Life in my signature of Satisfaction


I have thrown out the rule book. I no longer subscribe to how life "should" look so it''s turning out better than expected. I move at my own pace, even if it is faster than others. When I do what expands me, the world around me expands also. My joy gives others joy. When something starts to bog me down, I release it. Never letting my energy stagnate by forcing something that is no longer for me. My 'NO' is just as powerful as my 'YES!' When I trust my gut instinct, I am steered to exactly where I am meant to be. I don't question or judge when I feel called to something new or to change directions, I know that I am being guided to something bigger & better. When I embrace my fast-moving ever-evolving process, I am alive in my true state of creative freedom and expression. I am proof that work & play can be intertwined.


MANIFESTOR: Life in my signature of Peace


I have full creative freedom over how my life looks & feels. I birth whatever is bursting through me at any given moment. I follow my urges without questioning how it will be received. My chosen people accept me as I am and celebrate all that I am creating. I no longer try to be anything other than who I am. When moments of doubt or anger present, I come back to my truth, release what needs to be let go of and devote back to my vision. I move at my own rhythm, never forcing my creativity when the inspiration or energy isn't there. I take advantage of the spurts of energy & rest when they are not. Rest is a part of my creative process. I understand that my purpose is revealed every time I open my mouth & speak from the heart.


PROJECTOR: Life in my signature of Success


I have as much space in my day for stillness as I do stimulation. I have found my sweet spot: doing what i love, what I am naturally good at and what the world needs. The small moments of presence & recognition feel just as good as the bigger ones. I no longer constantly push for more, and instead see the value I already bring. I share freely, feel seen & recognised for my expertise, with nothing to prove. I have autonomy over my days & accept only aligned invitations. I am always reaching greater depth & layers in my mastery. While, resting guilt-free. I have created my soul family who see, get me, better me & are bettered by me. My successful life is one where I have released the pressure to be anything other than who I am.


REFLECTOR: Life in my signature of Surprise


I live authentically as myself moment-to-moment. I accept myself today, without needing to define myself tomorrow. I don't live in a future I have no business in trying to control. Instead I create space to be surprised, inspired and in awe of how miraculous life can be. Whenever I feel off or disappointed, I reflect back on how I may have lost my way down another person's path. I have learnt to no longer mould to other people's expectations & instead withdraw from any environments that no longer feel healthy to me. I feel connected with my home & people. They see the wisdom I hold deep within my bones. Life feels like an adventure with endless possibilities & paths to explore. I take my time because there is no rush.




THIS is your Signature Self, or your Soul Self.

 Listen here.

Your body is always communicating to you on the health of your Soul.

We just need to listen and give ourselves the same love and care.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Feeling in limbo in the in-between

So many of us experience moments in life where we feel neither quite here nor there — having neither departed nor arrived. Being in limbo, the space in-between or in ‘nothingness’ is a right of passage when moving into your aligned life. With greater awareness and no longer on auto-pilot, you might begin shifting old patterns and letting go of what no longer fits but not yet sure what does.


There is deep wisdom & potential in allowing space for the ‘in between’ — for sitting with what is, what is no longer and what could be.


If you are feeling this, I want to remind you that you are exactly where you are meant to be. This space is such an important part of becoming more You. I know cliche, but it's an important reminder when we get so much pressure to rush, figure it all out and “know everything” beforehand.


An element of unknown is a criteria of intuitive living. But in our world of busyness, productivity and instant gratification tells us to forge full-steam ahead. In other words: Get through it as fast as possible. A pressure to have life all figured out in a perfect box with bow.


It can be a tender place in letting go & moving forward. But these life junctures are a gift. It is fertile ground where thoughts, ideas and inspirations are born. The change you were asking for.


You might be asking yourself, Who even am I? What am I doing? Where am I going? What is my place in the world?  Just remember this isn’t something to figure out from the mind, but allow your body to begin to show you, in time, in its own way. Lean into trusting your authority today, without it needing to prove for tomorrow. We are all just constantly evolving more and more into our deepest, truest selves.


Don’t fall pressure to filling the empty space by settling or reverting back. This time will set the tone of the storyline that will play out for the rest.


Remember why you are doing this. Your future self will be grateful for your bravery. Get to know your new version of self as they present, like a third person. What does your future self like, want, desire today? Get to know the real, can feel “new” You.


Take this time to be in receiver discovery mode. To feel what is left unfelt in your body. To hibernate & come back to yourself. To anchor in your intuition in the present. Knowing very well that there is light at the end of the limbo tunnel. Your time will come again, and it is already here right now.


We all know that hindsight is 20/20, but could we give ourselves permission to simply sit in unknowingness until we arrive there?


It’s okay not to know what’s next.


It’s okay to feel the uncertainty & fear.


It’s okay to trust that all is well & this is a necessary part of your expansion.


You are supported, loved and will land on two grounded feet again. There will be times that we must walk through the space of limbo to get there. For now, love yourself through your ‘in betweens’ with the knowingness that it’s all okay. It’s all a part of this journey through the human experience, and you will be so grateful you held yourself through it.


Suggestions during this time:

  1. Find safety in the unknown: ground into your intuition, remind yourself how loved you are in your relationships, that you have a roof over your head, people that want to support you, capabilities that will always be fruitful - you always have abilities to fall back on

  2. Be in curious discovery mode: Be present and follow the Universe’s stimulus offering clues via your body’s response

  3. Dare to choose different, decondition your thoughts and give yourself permission to shift your story

  4. Remember you asked for this change, come back to gratitude of how far you’ve come and that you are in a space to create change

  5. Be a passenger to your intuitive body, it is driving the ship: take the breadcrumbs as they appear without pressure of understanding “why” in the grand scheme of things

  6. Get out of your mind, and into your body DAILY: whatever practices work for you

  7. Have anchor points and structure in the unknown - friend, work out class, meditation, breathwork, practices that support you

  8. Look to your human design for reconfirmation and clues - it can show you where to focus your energy and where your strengths are (should you forget)

  9. Make a recording or journal entry to remind you why you are doing this (for any moments of doubt)

  10. Trust and be kind to yourself, no matter what!

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Gate 63 of Doubt in Human Design

The sun is currently in Gate 63 of “Doubt” which brings a sense of skepticism and potential distrust in yourself and the world around you. Many feel like they are in a cloud - feeling pressure to gain clarity, doubting themselves, second guessing decisions and overall feeling ungrounded and uncentered. A common theme of asking “what is this even all for?” “do I have what it takes?” “is this even worth it?”. ESPECIALLY if things aren’t panning out as quickly as you had hoped. 


You may just be finding yourself trying to make sense of things from the past, or obsessing on “how” things are going to happen in the future. It is (sadly) a common occurrence during transitions to doubt if it is not all happening right away. Thinking that it means you're meant to be doing this. This was a belief I once had but let me tell you, it's not how the world works. Especially if you expect it to just fall in your lap. Life requires you to take action towards your vision and be in the energy of what you wish to create. It's not about forcing, but taking aligned inspired action. While being patient in becoming a person you haven't been before.


Self doubts are just fears to protect you from loss, failure, rejection. Yet the irony is that, doubt often makes you lose out on what you may have gained by fearing the attempt. Your doubts are not the truth. Rather they are fear-fuelled stories you create about who you are, what you’re worth and what you’re capable of achieving. Most often than not, your doubts are the opposite of truth.


This is the time to really anchor into your practices that help you feel connected to yourself and stay in your trust. Self trust and confidence is not about being perfect or doing all the right things. It is trying something outside of your comfort zone, and knowing that you will still have your own back when you are not perfect. Let yourself be new, be a beginner, start something for the first time. 


The worst thing is not taking any aligned action due to doubt of your own capabilities. If right now you are extra overthinking, self doubt or asking “what the hell am I even doing?”. Especially if you're in periods of change & transition. Be kind to yourself, you're human in these times. This does not mean your project, work or people are wrong for you. Let this moment of questioning pass and stay rooted in your knowing & vision. Don't burn it all down. Your inner intuition is your guide, not your overthinking monkey mind.


Make Your Mission Bigger Than Your Fear.

Get clear on your why to find the courage needed to step through doubts and risk failing. 


Mind vs Intuition: Come back to your Strategy & Authority. If you have an intuitive nudge calling you somewhere, it's because there is something there for you. Don't let the doubt talk you out of it - you are more than capable! 


Nourish and nurture yourself now. Anchor into your intuition. This will pass, you've got this. This is the time you can experiment with your creativity and inspiration - open your mind and explore your curiosities. Start to make aligned inspired action forward and show your body that you can step into the unknown. This is where your confidence is built - disproving your mind’s stories by doing the scary thing and SURVIVING (or better yet, thriving).


What would the empowered, self-believing version of yourself move through the world? Do exactly that, because that's your true essence, not the fear blocking it. Thank your doubts for trying to protect you, then tell them you’re not here to live a safe life, you’re here to live the biggest life you are capable of living. Then put your hand on your heart, picture your success, take a big long breath and then JUST DO IT!  As research has found and experience has taught me, every time you take action in the presence of your doubts you dilute their power and amplify your own.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

How to make decisions from your intuition and not your mind

Not think about a decision or an emotion or a fear, but FEEL in your body. 


This is a question we should ask ourselves in ANY decision.


It is the most life-changing way to move through the world. 


How does your relationships feel in your body? How does your daily routine feel in your body? How does showing up to your work feel in your body? How does that new possibility feel in your body?


Sadly, many rarely ask themselves that. Or validate and listen to what it is saying.


Maybe just maybe, if you leave a friend meeting & feel drained, or you show up to work with a pit in your stomach - that it might not be a place to invest your energy.


And maybe just maybe if you feel excited, interested, curious or energised - then you should be going more of exactly that!


Instead of just answering about a decision or speaking about a situation/dynamic on a cognitive level straight from the mind. Stop, pause, close your eyes (to detach from the world) and tune into your intuition. Envision the possible decision (as though anything is possible), do you feel a constriction in your body? Anxiety? Excitement? Curiosity? Expansion? Peace? Calm?


THIS IS YOUR INTUITION, and it's trying to show you the REAL answer of your next step.


Too often we feel like the answers are outside of us - in another person, in a sign or even based on “logical” norms.


This is why I believe so many people feel lost and disconnected from themselves, because they don’t realize that they have a navigation compass within.


The problem is, we think that the clarity comes when a lightening bolt strikes us with certainty of what to do. This very rarely, if ever, happens. So we just stay waiting and put things off another month, year or decade.


Your intuition is simply a often subtle internal response and feedback. It is bio-feedback of what to add in more of, and what to begin to let go of. 


Scanning our body for tightness, emotion, specific sensations whenever you envision or have a decision to make, can help provide insight into your next steps moving forward. 


Excitement, enthusiasm, joy, curiosity, expansion, potential = more of this, move towards this. Dread, drained, constriction, pit in your stomach, boredom, feeling trapped = less of this, start to begin to let these things go.


No one outside you is the keeper of all the right answers, not even your therapist or coach. No one knows what is best for you, except you.  All these people’s role is to help you make decisions based on your true self, and much of that can be tapped into through noticing how our body responds. 


This is how I guide others and also teach in my Certification. Your ideas based on your intuition are always the best, and I love that the clients I have in m space are empowered in that way - no one is looking to be saved.


Often if one has experienced anxiety or illness, it can be hard to trust your body. It can feel like you vs your body. But it is not against you, it is guiding you and wants to heal. There can be a fear of tuning in and feeling emotions because it can be overwhelming. 


But by bringing awareness to how our body responds in our present moment we are breaking the cycle of being controlled by external feedback and disconnection to our intuition. You are connecting deeper to yourself.


We need to ask ourselves this question, “how does it feel in my body?” more. For example, if you force something in your routine you don't want to do, or leave that friend feeling shitty, or show up to work full of dread  - your body is telling you, please less of this or change this.


Or when you have big curiosity and excitement when you share what you newly learnt to your partner.


NONE of this is by accident. THIS IS YOUR INTUITION. It's not so big and tricky to connect to. 


Build a relationship with your body and your life will change forever.


Take a moment now, close your eyes, and feel into a decision you have been weighing up - HOW DOES IT FEEL IN YOUR BODY? Rinse and repeat for the rest of your life :)

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Gate 19 in Human Design

Just because your words, presence and energy heals, doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone should have access to it.


Hi loves

I recently read the above sentiment and it felt very resonate with this week's energy transit with the Sun moving through Gate 19. As usual, the transits invite us to look within and how this archetypal energy is present within us. This gate brings an energy and highly intuitive, sensitive, empathetically attuned knowing to others. So this one is for my fellow intuitive feelers.


If you are feeling called to read on, I presume that you are someone who is finely attuned to others - their emotions, needs and energy shifts. If someone walks into a room, you can feel almost instantly if something is off. They don’t even have to say anything, and you can feel it. This energetic sensitivity is your superpower, when it is boundaried and balanced.


It feels meaningful for you to help, support and hold space for another’s needs - and you are extremely good at it. While this is a beautiful part of you, it is important to remember that just because you can be there for someone, solve a problem or support them in their process, it doesn’t mean you should always overextend and do all those things. You are not responsible, I repeat, not responsible for other people’s peace and happiness. Especially if you are self-sacrificing yourself in the process. Please please don't put your own needs at the bottom of your priorities.


You only can take on so much. Just because you care, it doesn't mean you should carry all the weight.

What are your core authentic needs? Are they being met?


During this time, take note of any emotional and intuitive senses you are experiencing, especially clarity on your own needs. For many women, we can prioritise other people’s needs and forget to even turn inward and ask what our needs are. And then wonder why we feel unfulfilled in our lives.. You are deserving of your needs to be met. I remember I used to be so shameful of having needs for fear that I would be perceived as “needy”. It meant that I never felt satisfied in my relationships and always felt taken for granted and unappreciated. In reality, I never voiced or acknowledged that I even had needs.


This can be a beautiful time to reflect what your soul needs and desires are in relationships, work and life. Especially in our relationship with ourselves, because this is the foundation of everything. To help, you can ask yourself the below questions:

  1. How do I feel about how I’m currently taking care of myself?

  2. Where do I feel fulfilled most? (How can you maximise and prioritise these more).

  3. Where do I feel empty or burnt out? (How can you minimise these, set healthy boundaries or have honest communication with yourself around why you continue to do these things).

  4. Where would I like to invest my time and energy in more?

  5. What are the top three activities that help me feel grounded and regulated? (How can you incorporate these more).

  6. What are the top three activities that bring me joy and make me feel alive? (Incorporate these into your weekend, week or month).

  7. What activities, beliefs and behaviors am I saying yes to that I’d actually like to let go? (Contributing to what you say you don't want).

  8. What activities, beliefs and behaviors am I saying no to that I’d actually like to adopt?

  9. What boundaries do I need to set to protect my time and myself?

  10. At the end of each day what do I wish I had done? (Less thinking of conditioned efficiency and productivity, and more about what makes you feel alive, nourished and fulfilled).

When it comes to the energy of this week, it is asking us to reflect on where we are energetically being leaky and not honouring our own emotional wellbeing. You may need to establish boundaries most importantly with yourself - what you are willing and not willing to take on. We don’t want to get to the place of creating co-dependent, reliant relationships or feeling emotionally burnt out - it will just lead you on a fastback to your Not Self of frustration, bitterness, resentment or anger. It can also blur the lines of your own personal identity and mean that you are unsure of what is yours and what is theirs.


Remember that you don't need to self sacrifice for the sake of your work or relationships. Be your own support person my love.


Love, Hillary xx

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh


Feeling this strong activation energy? Its not just because it’s the New Year, the sun is currently transiting through Gate 54 of Ambition and Earth in Gate 53 of Beginnings - the names say it all! 

These gates originate from the Root which brings strong driving momentum to start, create, take action and believe in the possibility. This transit invites us to explore the depths of our ambitions and aspirations, encouraging us to align with our truest selves.


Revolutionary at NY, I know. But really, take this opportunity to set intentions as you'll feel less heavy or burdened by past stories and excuses. This transit is inspiring us to rise up and transform into OUR way - it champions authenticity, taking risks & beginning new things that align with us. 

Although I am not a resolutions girl, I do like to set an intentional word (if one comes through, never forced). My word for 2024 is Inspire ~ it came through so strongly and I'm having fun fleshing out what that will mean. Be inspired by the world & people around me, call in greater inspiration & expansion, support my clients towards their biggest year and inspire myself by taking the risks & going for it. 

As always, this energy is best connected to intentionally and without too much pressure. Ground into your body, your strategy and your authority when making any decisions. Your gut and intuition is your internal compass - not the rush and pressure that the New Year can bring.

The WHY behind your visions:

Your goals are less likely to fizzle out when you are grounded in your why. What is the reason behind your goal and the feeling you wish to embody behind it all?

Break them down:

If it feels “too big” then it can be overwhelming and we procrastinate. Confidence and momentum hapens in the movement. Start small, what is one thing you can do to get closer to what you envision?

Trust your Authority:

Your gut, intuition and instincts are always guiding you, never the fear of your mind. Release the pressure to know all the steps, just the next one that’s available to you. 


Be Patient:

Gate 54 can be prone to giving up too quickly when results aren't instant. Be patient in what you are creating, we can often get frustrated if it doesn’t happen NOW. Give yourself time to develop and allow your vision happen - it's very rarely an overnight thing. Enjoy the process, don't rush to the destination - that's not where your relief or happiness lies.


Be in support of community:

If you desire change, it's important to have support and likeminded community around you, especially those who can vision hold for you. It expands you and helps you believe it is possible for you.

Learn something new: 

This is also a powerful time to start to learn or begin something new - you never ever regret learning something that develops you as a person. Your curiosities are your clues. It is what life is all about. 


When starting something, find power in being a beginner, even if you're not the first or the “best” - be careful not to convince yourself out of something because you believe other people are further ahead of you. There are billions of people on their planet, there are humans that are directly connected to you, your message and your (future) creations. Learning and beginning something totally new is a humbling and brave thing to do - be proud of yourself for taking the leap and don't put pressure on yourself to be “perfect” right away.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Gate 64 of “Confusion” and Gate 63 of “Doubt”: Release the pressure to “know” right now, just stay open and curious. Surrender. Clarity is coming..

Wow what a big week we have had, all that is happening in the ether right now. I have noticed in my community that people are feeling like they are in a cloud - feeling pressure to gain clarity, while feeling ungrounded and uncentered. This is the time to really anchor into your practices that help you feel connected to yourself - mine is always nature, slowing down and getting quiet. 



The sun is currently in Gate 64 of “Confusion” and Gate 63 of “Doubt”. Don't worry this is not all doom and gloom!! You may just be finding yourself trying to make sense of things from the past, or obsessing on “how” things are going to happen in the future. There is this energy/pressure right now to break through confusion to gain clarity. So if there is anything uncertain or unknown in your life right now, you may feel this pressure to figure it all out - by yesterday. Forcing clarity prematurely.

Witness this pressure but don’t act on it. It’s not fact or a voice to follow from a panicked place. In Human Design, we don’t make decisions from this mental pressure of the mind. It is about bypassing this mental chatter and honing into your body & heart’s most trusted decision maker - your Authority. Ask yourself, “Am I overthinking this? Or sensing it intuitively?” Big difference. 

Confusion is always a transitionary moment before realisations and answers hit. We need this time to ponder, contemplate, look at all sides, process what is coming up, & feel into your intuition/authority for ultimate decision making. Don’t force a decision from mental pressure. During this time, make sure not to get stuck in “what if’s” from the past or future. Make peace with what happened and release the pressure to figure everything out, as soon as confusion arises. See where your intuition is getting hijacked by that persuasive monkey mind. Come back into your body & Authority.   This is your decision maker. The answers are coming.


If right now you are extra overthinking, self doubt or asking “what the hell am I even doing?”. Especially if you're in periods of change & transition. Be kind to yourself, you’re human in these times. This does not mean your project, work or people are wrong for you. Let this moment of questioning pass and stay rooted in your knowing & vision. Don’t burn it all down. Your inner intuition is your guide, not your overthinking monkey mind.


Ask yourself, “Am I overthinking this? Vs “What is my intuitive sense here?”. There is a big difference but can be hard to decipher. Mind vs Intuition: Come back to your Strategy & Authority. I recorded a podcast here on how to decipher here. Let this moment of questioning pass and stay rooted in your knowing & vision. Don’t burn it all down. Your inner intuition is your guide, not your overthinking monkey mind.


Nourish and nurture yourself now. Anchor into your intuition. This will pass, you've got this! This is the time you can experiment with your creativity and inspiration - open your mind and explore your curiosities. Nothing is a mistake, only learnings. Get creative and dream of your vision for the future.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Forks in the road appearing: Chances to change your current existence 

Transit energy update on GATE 47 OF REALISATIONS below: pressure to find realisations and understandings of what is happening in your life right now.  

During the middle of the night, I awoke with a strong visual of a fork in the road. I wrote it down, forgot about it, then opened my journal this morning and saw it. It got me thinking: we have hundreds of forks in the road of our life. All these mini sliding door moments that can shift our reality, just from making a different decision. 

With awareness, you'll notice that as you continue to evolve and grow, what was your pre-determined path is no longer your “only” option. As you change and your mind opens, different options start to appear. You see how your pre-determined path would turn out and then you see this alternate vision or destiny.

But for many we never venture down those possibilities. We want a different existence but never make decisions that reflect that. Waiting for the big lightning bolt moment that will save us, and in the mean time living in the same habitual way as always. 

When forks in the road appear, it means you have a chance to change your current existence. It’s not that we will always have these BIG forks in the road that alter our life forever. But little forks in the every day. Where we either choose an option from fear, or an option from love & potential. Acting from our mind’s pre-conceived logic vs our intuitive expansive knowing. Daily movements that either come from sameness or newness. 

The Einstein quote, “you can’t solve a problem from the same mind that created it.” If you want change, it means you need to do something different. It means  making the decision as your highest self, not of one riddled in fear, lack or not enough. 

When a new option or potential way of being arises - instead of instantly discounting and continuing in your usual habitual way - stop, sink into your heart, be in your intuition. Do you feel an expansion in your body or a curiosity sparked? Is there something there? The answer will become clear which is the decision of your higher self. The mind will do its usual thing and give you a plethora of reasons why not to. But start to experiment in this space of the unknown and intrigue. 

When we are wanting to create change, we need to reflect that in all small acts - whether that means we start creating positive daily habits, making decisions from our intuition or investing what will benefit your evolution. Little forks show up everywhere: you get to decide whether you continue to act from the same energy or try that new way of being. 

How can you start making decisions daily from your intuition? And less be ruled by your mind's fear. I recently recorded podcasts on this if you'd like to dive in further.


Transit energy update:

We currently have transits with sun in gate 47 of “realisations” and earth in gate 22 of “grace”. There is pressure to get straight to the realisation or understanding to make sense with what is happening in your world right now. You may be finding yourself thinking esoterically and big picture, wondering why things haven’t worked out and if they are even meant for you. Be easy on yourself, especially if this is fueled by an overthinking mind.


Allow yourself to be open to the trickles of understanding & insight that may be coming through.  Prioritise connecting within, creating space and quietening your mind so your intuitive voice can speak through. Don't overthink this, you're just being open and curious. Stop waiting for the big realisations and see the little bits of understanding that is coming through. If things are not flowing how you’d like, how can you shift up your energy around it? You are being called to different aligned action.  I am ramping up my meditation and journalling this week. Trust in the timing of your aha’s, insights and clarity.


With gate 22 in earth, there is an element of leaning into your emotional truth right now. You may find yourself moving from a sense of peaceful sureness in accepting where you are, to being in a more moody, melancholic hopelessness. Take some time for you to process what has been coming up and happening in the past few BIG weeks. Allow the full spectrum of your emotions to move through you - none of it is “bad”, none of it is “good”. It is just you as a human experiencing - release release release. Let the energy move through you -  I have a podcast to help on this here. 


Let this week be where you are open to seeing what isn't working and what is. Sink into where you can make aligned action from an intuitive place. What small decisions can you make as your highest self? Which alternative forks in the road are presenting themselves? Is there a possibility you can choose an alternate option than what you would habitually do from fear or sameness?


How would your choices look if you were an embodiment of your highest self now.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Transit energy update: Sun in Gate 6 calling us for a deeper connection and intimacy with ourselves.

Dropping your defences: Let there be nothing you can't admit to yourself

Right now we are being called to be radically honest with ourselves. To drop our defences and be open, vulnerable and truthful. We currently have a transit in Gate 6, which embodies the gift of creating intimacy and vulnerability with others. As I am writing this, I am feeling called to invite us all to create a deeper, realer and more intimiate relationship with ourselves

This transit is generating greater self awareness of our emotional experience, and to notice the seeds of inner conflict or turbulence that could be inhibiting our own inner peace. No longer having blind spots or even turning a blind eye on our most vulnerable, fragile fragments of self. Being so curious, open and loving that there is nothing you can't admit.  When you are this inviting, forgiving and unjudgmental with yourself - true self acceptance and love is born. Showing your inner child and body that nothing will halt the unconditional love you have for yourself. From this place, you can truly heal.


Ask yourself: What inner turmoil, friction or conflict present within you? Maybe parts of yourself that you are not allowing to be expressed or emotions unprocessed. Maybe you haven't listened to your intuitive knowing, and instead bulldozed over with your mind. Maybe it is something that you know you need to look at, but are too afraid of. Maybe places where you are forcing and making things harder than they need to be. All of this self inquiry is just about being honest with yourself and having an open dialogue. You don't have to “fix” anything or act on this information. But at least your body knows it is safe to express itself.   

Gate 6 originates from the solar plexus, which holds our emotional experience. This gate is a source of feelings, moods and sensitivity, so emotional friction may emerge at this time. How can you be in your experience, process and digest it all. We can get so busy that we don't take the time to give ourselves a moment to respond of how we are actually doing. When was the last time you stopped, gave yourself a long embrace and said “what do you need?”. Again this is not about “fixing” it but just honouring your real experience.


You may be questioning or thinking deeply about your relationships and the dynamics you find yourself in. Maybe a little more emotionally reactive right now. This is an invitation to be more vulnerable from the heart, rather than lashing out of fear or reactivity. Remember, your peace is internally generated, and can exist regardless of what is happening outside. Once we realise that no one can take our peace, and the only thing that can truly disturb our peace is our own fears, barriers and protective mechanisms. 


When you feel your heart close, take a moment, pause and overload yourself with compassion. Be open to what it is showing you. Whenever you are triggered in relationship, get curious. This is not their wrong-doing, they are inviting you into a greater healing of a fear or internal conflict within yourself. We don't want to be fighting for things that don’t matter or projecting unresolved emotions onto others -  so tread with caution here.


This week, be so raw with yourself, so loving and meet yourself fully. Remember nothing is so dire or scary that you can't at least have an open dialogue with yourself about it. Your relationship with yourself will always be most important, so create the time and space to really go there.


Sending you love!

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Transiting Gate 59 & 55: Why you might be feeling a little sensitive 

Right now you may be feeling it. We have significant energetic shifts happening and transits in gate 59 & 55 (more below) - that's leaving many of us feeling alive but also overwhelmed and fatigued. So rest assured, you're not alone. I've noticed that my body is craving more slowness, and less stimulation. My mind however, is most definitely not slowing down. 


This is the time to start to SIMPLIFY. Watch if you are making things harder than they need to be, or searching for what is going wrong. We can create greater struggle than necessary. When we are used to cycles of stress, drama and overwhelm, our body gets stuck in fight or flight. We then subconsciously seek thought patterns and places that will create a similar cortisol / adrenaline response to make us feel at home, “normal” and alive. Then it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of stress. 


But luckily, with our awareness and regulation - that doesn't have to be our story. Choose differently. Witness when your mind begins to spiral, rather than go along for the ride. Slow down, simplify and recenter this week. Intentional actions will get you so much further than running around like a chicken with your head cut off (especially for those who also have an open root and head energy center). 


Let the emotional energy pass through you, rather than creating a story around it. Regulate your body with breath & nature. Move towards the people that help you feel balanced. Give yourself more credit that you don’t need this stress to be able to show up in life. You no longer need to operate like the rug will be ripped underneath you. We’re just making life harder than it needs to be.




The transits give us a sense of what we may personally expect to feel during an upcoming time period. As the transits shift and change, so does our energy and experience.



Right now, we are currently transiting gates 59 and 55, which brings a strong desire for connection, intimacy and emotional depth.


Gate 59 is all about intimacy, bond-making and honesty. Small talk and surface level connections isn't going to cut it right now.  We are being called to break through barriers or walls to create a deeper bond with ourselves and others. Get honest with yourself - notice your patterns that contradict what you say you don't want. Where are you saying “yes” when it should be a “no”. This is the time to ask for support this week - be vulnerable in sharing what is happening in your world and what is alive within you. You don’t have to do it all alone.


Gate 55 is the gate of Spirit and is all about feeling the fullness of life. It is important to keep trust and optimism that what is meant to work out, will. True embodiment of this energy is the belief in abundance of all that is good and possible. Watch voices of scarcity and lack pop up - we ain't operating on that narrative. Gate 55 can also create a non-rational emotional energy of deep feeling that oscillates between experiencing the world through a lens of pain or pleasure, glass half full or half empty. Right now, do not create stories around any emotional experiences. Just witness and let the energy move through you. Being in victimhood only disempowers us.


Come back to what I mentioned earlier: simplify, ground, connect with your trusted ones. Try not to spiral in the lows and instead, let the energy move through you. Come back to the knowing that this too shall pass. 

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

GATE 46 HUMAN DESIGN: What can your body teach your mind?

The past few days, we have been transiting with the Sun in Gate 46, which is all about embodiment and love for our physical body. You may be feeling quite tired and fatigued, depending on your cycles and season, so this is a time to invite stillness and nurture the delight that is to be in human form. Your body is what brings to life your desires, creations, connection and purpose. We need to look after and adorn it.


Embodiment is not an idea, or a theory. It is a state of being, where you feel connected and attuned to your body and senses.  It is a state in which the mind listens to the body. Ultimately, it is a state of being in which the division between mind and body dissolves. It is where you are practicing what you have learnt, so that it is now your norm. For example, in my deconditioning process I needed to learn how to work as a Projector, and now it is an embodied way of being that I don't even question. Or with my emotional authority, I cry without creating a story around it. I often dance to let my emotions move through me. It isn't an active thought process anymore, it is embodied. 


You feel embodiment when you drop down from your thinking mind into the feeling body. When you quieten your mind, tune into your intuitive authority and let your body guide the way. You feel embodiment when you are moving, walking, dancing, running, surfing, swimming. You feel embodiment when you feel grounded when your feet scrunch grass between your toes, or when an emotion is released from your body. You feel embodiment when you are in touch with the present moment, when you are really here now.


How can we deepen embodiment?

First, we must admit that while the mind knows things, it does not know everything. The mind is not our decision maker and Human Design connects us with our body consciousness. We then become curious: What does our body know that the mind does not? We can only discover what the body knows by an act of receptivity, by listening deeply. We are pretty good at listening to the mind - our thoughts, ideas, and opinions. But many of us have not listened much to the body, or learned its non-conceptual language.


This is the time to experiment and listen to your body. When you listen to your body in this way, you discover gems of wisdom held by your somatic field (inklings, sensations, emotions). Get still, get quiet, be open. What is your body communicating to you when you slow down, in a meditative state and it is free to communicate? Where do you feel it in your body? Any sensations present? What does your intuitive voice of your Authority give you clues on? Is there anything that needs to be released?


PONDER ON: What can the body teach the mind?


The problem I see however, is that we ignore our body's signals, push through, live from the mind and think that our answers are constantly from outside of ourselves. When really we need to connect within, tune into our own body's knowing, and integrate & make decisions from there. Remember Human Design is an experiment of connecting with YOUR body's natural wisdom and YOUR way of doing things. Not another's way of doing things.


Whether that means experimenting with following your gut this week, or directly asking your body questions & seeing the sensations that present, or just doing the things that help you ground and connect with your body. You can't do any of this wrong. It is just a portal to connect deeper with your beautiful vessel. Celebrate the delight that it is to be a Human - to hug your people, to swim in the ocean, to put your feet in freshly cut grass, to laugh with your partner - whatever make you feel alive and present.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh


Incoming with this week's update. You may be feeling intense energies, we are currently in the midst of a series of eclipses. It can make you feel like you are in a vortex - struggling to stay afloat. Eclipses are often feel uncomfortable and exhausting, as they are showing you where it is time to step out of your comfort zone. It is highlighting where you are ready to change and evolve. The more change needed, the more intense this time will feel. 


Change can be scary, but it is the one constant we have in life. Any change, even for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts. The mind doesn't like change, it involves uncertainty and is unknown. Henry Ford famously said, “If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said ‘Don’t change anything.’” To change is to grow, to evolve, to be alive. The more comfortable you can become in the uncertainty of change, the more safe you will feel in life. Change before you are forced to (because your body, your health or the Universe will need to intervene if not). 


If you don't like it, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude about it. We are the perpetrators of our own suffering. You can change your future by simply changing your attitude. 


Your thoughts and beliefs are powerful and create your reality. Be careful what is being echo-chambered in your mind as this is what you are manifesting in your outer world.


Right now, we are currently transiting Gate 28 of Duration which feels very fitting. It is an intuitive energy for guiding people into their highest potential. There is a heightened ability to see the big picture, sense what needs to change, and redefining what success and a good life means to you. You may be gaining greater clarity of where you have been playing small, sacrificing your happiness or self abandoning. Take note of the intuitive hits, re-occurring events or synchronicities happening in your world, it is an invite to explore other possibilities and step into your power. I have gotten greater awareness where I was still staying small - and that's no longer going to be my story.


The universe is always speaking to us - sending us messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more.


Eclipses also activate signification change and leaps through the process of letting go and moving away from what is no longer serving us. Whatever comes to mind intuitively that you know deep down is ready to be released, begin to at least be honest with yourself and acknowledging this need. Comfort the part of you that may be resistant to change, or that isn't trusting your own abilities and strength. Remember you have more potential and gifts to give than you think! Start entertaining steps that could be done to begin making small changes towards this different future. 


This energy can also bring a fear of failure and rejection. A belief that if you try or change, you will fail. Remember that this voice is not fact. It may feel real because it's your experience, but it is not objectively true. Always come back to your Strategy and Authority - that is the only voice to be trusting at this time.


Please be gentle with yourself during this time. Get the rest you need and nourish your body. You may be craving more time alone so give yourself that space. If you are feeling an emotional rollercoaster, allow yourself to release these energies. Remember emotion is energy-in-motion, more in this podcast. Get the support you need, you don't have to do this all alone.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh


Many are feeling their body is fatigued and mind busy. What I have witnessed in my clients and myself is a deeper understanding of the parts within that are ready to be shed. This time is shining light on all that needs to be let go to get where we desire (even if you don't know the specifics). Old fears, old patterns, old behaviours - where you’ve been playing small and in lack. Not acting as though you believe in your own potential or vision. 

See the themes presenting as invitations & opportunities to take responsibility for what needs to change. When we shift the energy within us, our world responds to us differently. 

Remember you don't need to have full clarity or the step-by-step plan of where you are going  - you just need to move intuitively in every present moment and it all adds up. Clearing space and redirecting the mind games that are self sabotaging & creating a not-so-desired experience. It's happening for us, not to us.

“The Power of Acting As If”: Showing up to our business, to our relationships, and to ourselves in the energy we wish to embody.  Envisioning how your highest self would show up, and be that now. Moving through the world as if it is already assured that it will work out and you have EVERYTHING you need. When I set this intention in my business, in my relationships, with myself - everything shifted for the better. I felt a deeper sense of trust, surrender, self-belief and expansion - because that is my chosen reality.

Have you been playing small in a lack of belief that it is possible for you?

 It’s interesting - our enemy is not a dangerous animal or person usually.. But, often ourselves. The voice inside our heads telling us how we should be, what we shouldn’t do, what is possible, what isn’t. The only person that is actually stopping us is ourselves. And our greatest fear is our own greatness. When we put that into perspective, it makes you think: What are we actually so scared of? The voice in our head? Why are we so afraid of our own potential? Well, trust me - your mind is already saying the worst possible things it can say. So may as well give it something to talk about!

I recorded a podcast on remembering your self worth this week, for those who feel they are sick of listening to that voice in their heads.

When you choose to be expanded by the world, you will be. When to choose to see the reasons why it is possible for you, your mind will let you create it. Choose to be expanded into your next evolution, rather than your mind choosing to constrict.



The current transit offers us an opportunity to see the themes of the gate within and around you. Today and over the next few days, we are moving through Gate 50.

Gate 50 brings an unconditional loving and supportive energy to others. There is a strong value and intuitive instinct to care for people, and can very much tune into the needs of others. Those with this gate in their chart have a very empathetic and grounding energy. Make sure in this time, to be turning this also inward and looking after what you need. 

What can also bring up in this energy is a fear of responsibility, letting down expectations or taking on too much that you can handle (or want to). Cue: over-giving and over committing. When you always feel like you have to give more, more, more - it gets exhausting so we shy away from taking on anymore responsibility. 

But the only thing this fear really does is keep you from stepping into your highest, most powerful Self energy. If you stop doing something for fear of responsibility or potential judgment from others, it means you are staying small and shying away from your true desire and essence. Don't fear your own strength, gifts and passion.

Let yourself believe in your own evolution and start supporting yourself to get there.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Reframing Purpose: Embracing Your Unique Journey

In a world that constantly urges us to discover our life's purpose, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the pressure to have a singular, grand mission. But what if this obsession with finding a single purpose is causing us to miss the true essence of what it means to live purposefully? Let's explore an alternative perspective—one that embraces the idea that purpose can be found in every moment, action, and interaction.

The Quest for Meaning

In our quest for purpose, we often find ourselves searching for a singular, all-encompassing answer to the question, "What is my purpose?" This fixation can lead to frustration and disappointment, as we put immense pressure on ourselves to discover a grand purpose that defines our entire existence. Especially those with an undefined G-Center or gate 38 - there is this constant struggle to define your life’s meaning and purpose.

Shift in Perspective

What if, instead of fixating on a single life-defining purpose, we shifted our perspective to view purpose as something fluid and ever-present? Human Design sheds light on this with its concept of the G Center and Gate 38. These elements delve into our sense of identity and the ongoing search for direction, hinting at the idea that purpose can be found in every choice we make. It is not an external thing, but an internal manifestation of being in alignment with who you truly are.

Redefining Purpose

Rather than viewing purpose as a distant, unreachable goal, we can redefine it as an ongoing journey of creation. It's crucial to liberate ourselves from the guilt and shame that can arise from feeling like we lack a clear purpose. Purpose is not something we "find"; it's something we "create" with each decision we make and each action we take.

Your purpose is not ‘one thing’ to define outside of yourself. It’s vibrant. It’s alive. It shifts & evolves as you do. It’s not something you necessarily ‘do’, it is you. It naturally exudes from you whenever you are living in your fullest, truest expression. Every day you are a little bit more you, and share openly & give freely from that place. Release the obsessive search for your purpose, its missing the point. It’s within & is you.

Breaking Free from Limitations

To fully embrace our purpose, we must address the limitations that hold us back. These limitations often manifest as a need for certainty, limiting beliefs, and the fear of stepping into the unknown. By remaining open to possibilities and embracing uncertainty, we can break free from these constraints and tap into our body's intuition.

Embracing the Evolution

The journey toward purpose is not linear—it's a path of exploration, curiosity, and evolution. Just as the seasons change, so too does our sense of purpose. By following the subtle clues and breadcrumbs that life presents us, we may wake up one day and realize that we're exactly where we're meant to be.

Human Design Clues

Human Design recognizes that each energy type has a unique way of engaging with purpose. Your energy type, profile, and individual characteristics all contribute to your sense of purpose. It's essential to redefine success on your terms and align it with your authentic self.

If you're struggling to identify your passions, start by breaking things down. What are you curious about? What activities make you lose track of time? Your incarnation cross and your natural inclinations can offer valuable insights into what moves you on a deep level.

Working out your external purpose doesn't have to be a daunting task. Begin by considering what activities you would pursue even if failure were a possibility. Reflect on what you do consistently and what resonates with you on a profound level. These are often the signs that point toward your purpose.

Embracing What Moves You

Our purpose often lies in what makes us forget about time, food, and even the basics. What scares us the most is often a reflection of what we're here to transform and uplift. Embrace the things that move you on an emotional level—they can guide you toward your purpose.

You Are Your Purpose

Remember this: you are your purpose. By following the callings of your heart, whether they're monumental or seemingly insignificant, you're living your purpose. Embrace the journey of self-expression and growth, and release the pressure of trying to find a single grand purpose.

The pursuit of purpose is a journey unique to each individual. By reframing our perspective and recognizing that purpose is woven into every facet of life, we can free ourselves from the pressure of discovering a singular mission. Embrace the process, trust your intuition, and find purpose in every step you take on this beautiful journey of self-discovery.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

IKIGAI, Purpose & Human Design

We are all striving for a sense of purpose in this life. That’s what makes us human. The Japanese have a word and philosophy called “Ikigai” that provides a unique perspective on finding purpose and fulfillment. When combined with the wisdom of Human Design, Ikigai is a beautiful tool for unveiling your true path and harnessing your innate potential.

When I first discovered Ikigai, I loved it. It helped me break down purpose in a way that felt natural and easy. It's not just a word; it's a philosophy that embodies the art of finding joy, meaning, and purpose in everyday existence. The term "ikigai" is derived from two Japanese words: "iki," meaning life, and "gai," meaning value or worth. Combined, they represent the value and worthiness of life itself.

At its core, ikigai represents the intersection of four essential elements that give life purpose and fulfillment:

  1. What You Love: This refers to your passions, interests, and the activities that bring you joy and enthusiasm. It's the things that make your heart sing and create a sense of excitement in your life.

  2. What You're Good At: This element encompasses your skills, talents, and strengths. It's about recognizing and nurturing the abilities that come naturally to you and allow you to excel.

  3. What the World Needs: It involves identifying the needs, problems, or challenges in your community or the world at large. It's about finding ways to contribute positively to the lives of others and make a meaningful impact.

  4. What You Can Be Paid For: This element refers to the practical aspect of sustaining your livelihood. It involves finding avenues through which your passions, skills, and contributions can also generate income.

The true magic of ikigai lies in the overlap of these four elements. When you find the sweet spot where your passions, talents, contributions, and financial sustenance converge, you've discovered your ikigai—the source of deep contentment, purpose, and fulfillment.

Ikigai is not a destination; it's a lifelong journey of self-discovery, growth, and alignment. It encourages individuals to cultivate self-awareness, explore their passions, develop their strengths, and create meaningful connections with others.

It's the sweet spot where passion, work, mission, and profession intersect, nurturing a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Synergy - Where Ikigai Meets Human Design: Imagine the union of Ikigai and Human Design as a treasure map to your purpose. The elements of Ikigai align seamlessly with the pillars of Human Design, creating a roadmap to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and alignment.

  1. What You Love & Energy Type / Authority: Your energy type in Human Design reflects your unique way of interacting with the world. When you align your energy type with what you love, you step into a flow that resonates with your true nature. By following your strategy an authority you will be led towards the path of least resistance and will be putting your energy into what is aligned and exciting to you.

  2. What You're Good At & Centers / Channels: Human Design's centers represent different aspects of your life, from communication to emotions, that you are here to condition and give to the world. Embracing what you're naturally skilled at, as indicated by your centers, allows you to thrive in your innate talents. Your channels also shows where your energy best flows. When you recognize the ways your energy can contribute to the world's needs, you tap into your channel's power.

  3. What the World Needs & Open Centers: The World needs a lot of help and support. Through your open centers, you have experienced the world at an embodied level. You understand what people go through and what is needed. Use the wisdom and knowledged gained through your open centers to serve your community and the collective.

  4. What You Can Be Paid For & Profile: Your profile in Human Design reflects your role and purpose in the grand scheme of life. Embracing your profile empowers you to channel your talents into a practical and abundant avenue. When you step into the role you came here to be, you will always be supported by the Universe.

To unveil your Ikigai within the realm of Human Design, consider these steps:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to contemplate your passions, skills, and what you deeply care about. Align these with the insights from your Human Design chart.

  2. Energy Alignment: Embrace your energy type and centers. Understand how your unique energy can contribute to the needs of the world.

  3. Channel Your Purpose: Explore the channels in your Human Design chart. Recognize how the energy flows within you can align with what the world needs.

  4. Profile Power: Embrace your profile's characteristics and purpose. Channel your innate traits into practical avenues that offer both personal fulfillment and prosperity.

As you align your passions, skills, and energies with the world's needs, you create a harmonious balance that uplifts both you and those around you. Remember that your purpose isn't fixed; it's an evolving journey that unfolds as you continue to learn, grow, and align with your authentic self.

Embrace the wisdom of Ikigai to find your passions, skills, and the world's needs, and weave them seamlessly with the insights of your Human Design. Remember, you are your purpose and any way you wish to exude that is perfect.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Navigating Fear and Intuition: A Guide to Making Aligned Choices

The age old question: is it fear or intuition. There are two internal navigators that often lead the way: fear and intuition. These companions have a significant impact on our decisions, actions, and overall well-being. However, discerning between the two can sometimes feel like deciphering a complex puzzle. We'll dive into the intricate world of fear and intuition, understanding their differences and learning how to distinguish their whispers.

Understanding Fear: Fear is that primal instinct that warns us of danger and keeps us safe. It's the flutter in your chest when faced with the unknown, the knot in your stomach before a big decision. While fear can be a valuable protector, it can also be a limiting force. Fear often arises from past experiences or perceived threats, causing us to hesitate, doubt, or hold back. It's like the overprotective friend who means well but sometimes keeps us from taking calculated risks and pursuing growth.

Embracing Intuition: Intuition, on the other hand, is that inner voice, that gut feeling that guides us toward our true path. It's the hunch that whispers, "This feels right," even when logic suggests otherwise. Intuition is the compass of our authentic selves, tapping into our deeper wisdom beyond what we can rationalize. It's not bound by past experiences or external influences. Instead, it's a direct connection to our inner knowing, often leading us to opportunities and choices aligned with our highest good.

The Key Differences:

  1. Source of Origin: Fear stems from our mind's assessment of potential threats, while intuition originates from a deeper, intuitive sense beyond the rational mind.

  2. Emotional Impact: Fear tends to evoke a sense of contraction, anxiety, or unease. Intuition, on the other hand, brings about a feeling of expansion, clarity, and alignment.

  3. Past vs. Present: Fear often draws from past experiences or future projections, while intuition operates in the present moment, responding to the immediate situation.

  4. Rational vs. Subtle: Fear can be loud, rationalizing its concerns with logical arguments. Intuition is more subtle, a quiet knowing that doesn't always have words to explain itself.

  5. Limiting vs. Expansive: Fear can hold us back and limit our potential. Intuition encourages growth, guiding us toward opportunities for personal and spiritual expansion.

Cultivating Discernment:

Distinguishing between fear and intuition requires cultivating self-awareness. Regular mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help you become attuned to the subtle nuances of your feelings and thoughts. Notice how fear feels in your body—tightness, tension, unease. In contrast, observe the sense of calm and alignment that comes with intuition.

Navigating Decisions:

When faced with choices, take a moment to pause and check in with yourself. Ask if the hesitation you feel is rooted in fear or if it's your intuition guiding you. Intuition often brings a sense of peace and resonance, while fear may feel more like a storm of doubt.


Intuition: Present, Clear, and Concise Inner Knowing: Intuition is a silent, powerful force that operates beyond the confines of logic. It thrives in the present moment and emanates clarity. Intuition guides us through an inner wisdom that speaks with confidence.

Trusting Intuition: An Act of Presence and Patience: Intuition requires presence, calmness, and patience. It's not the voice that yells or criticizes, but a gentle guide that aims to lead you toward the right path.

Fear: Linked with Past Stories, Future Worries, and Insecurities: Fear, on the other hand, is often tied to past experiences, future projections, or underlying insecurities. It can be a limiting force, hindering our growth and preventing us from embracing opportunities.

Recognizing Fear: Demanding, Anxious, Restrictive: Fear often manifests as an anxious, demanding presence. It feels heavy, restrictive, and is characterized by thoughts driven by worry and irrational thinking.

Trusting the Body's Signals: Expansive or Contracted? When faced with a decision, a crucial question arises: Does saying yes to this opportunity make me feel expansive or contracted? This simple inquiry allows us to tap into the body's innate wisdom for guidance.

Your body is a vessel of wisdom that goes beyond rational thinking. By tuning into your body's sensations and responses, you can gain insights into the authenticity of your feelings.

Cultivating the Intuition Muscle:

Questions to Distinguish: To strengthen your ability to differentiate between fear and intuition, ask yourself probing questions. These questions lead you toward understanding the energy behind your choices.

Meditation, communing with nature, stillness, and journaling are tools that can help you develop the skill of discernment. These practices allow you to connect with your intuitive guidance.

Fear and intuition coexist within us, influencing our paths and shaping our experiences. By recognizing their distinct energies, tuning into our body's signals, and practicing discernment, we can navigate life's choices with confidence. Remember, your intuition is a reliable compass, leading you toward growth, authenticity, and alignment. As you learn to differentiate between fear's cries and intuition's whispers, you unlock the key to living a life true to your innermost desires and aspirations.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Planets in your Human Design Chart

Each Chart has a total of 26 “activations” made by the 13 planets. Although there are 64 possibilities of gates that a person can express, they will have 26 activations. There can be overlap where a person has the same gate in multiple planets - this is an indicator that they should focus on this gift and theme. Your soul chose your chart in order to be the person and accomplish what you are here to do in this lifetime.

 The black right side of the chart depicts the planets position at the moment of your birth and the red left side of the chart depicts the planets positions approximately three months prior to birth. 

Each planet has an archetype / theme & provides a lens to view each gate and profile line through.


  • What you are here to share with the world

  • Your main life force energy - Where you shine in the world. What you’re here to give the world: Your personality, creative talent and power.

  • The first impression that others have of you.

  • According to Ra, most of the neutrinos that create the design/personality come from the Sun. Hence - Your profile is determined by the lines associated with sun gates, and why the incarnation cross is determined by which gate the conscious Sun lives in. 

  • Yang energy - go out and do / what others see in you


  • What you’re mean to be grounded in

  • Yin energy to the yang of Sun.

  • What you need in order to be stable and grounded to accomplish your sun’s purpose.

  • Through your Earth gates, you bring to form the gifts and lessons of the Sun.

  • It’s all about receiving the lessons from the Earth gates in order to bring balance and heal.

  • Energies we get from the Sun and the Earth are always operating together - can’t have one without the other.

North Node

  • What you are moving towards

  • North Node is opposite to the South Node. It shows the new territory you’re treading & where you are moving towards in this lifetime.

  • It is often uncomfortable but it is what you are being propelled to learn and master.

  • Ways to fulfil your souls lessons and grow/evolve.

  • Releasing what is no longer serving you.

  • Step into this ‘true self’ energy as you age.

  • Came from South Node and by using Strategy and Authority, can decondition and express through your North Node.

South Node

  • What you are moving away from

  • Experiences, traits, gifts that you have brought into this lifetime.

  • What is familiar & already mastered

  • Your comfort zone & also where you can grow stagnant.

  • Goal is to take the gifts of your South Node but move into the wisdom/lessons of your North Node. Saturn return vibes.

  • SN gates shape how you see the world when a younger adult but switches in the middle of your lives. 

  • Do not want to stay in the energy of your South Node.


  • What drives you

  • Internal motivation, inner nature, emotional body, coping mechanisms, sense of belonging, subconscious, inner world.

  • Moon represents what is really driving you.

  • Subconscious motivations and your emotional world.

  • Who you are emotionally and internally.

  • Propels you forward but also sensitive to emotional ups & downs (emotional authority).


  • What and how you’re here to communicate

  • Your ideas, thoughts, communication style. What you’re meant to communicate in this lifetime.

  • Intellect, clear communication, speaking, performing, writing, expressing yourself, curiosity & knowledge.

  • What you’re here to communicate about and share - How you translate your thoughts into language.

  • Mercury in Mind column (black): what you need to communicate in this life

  • Design/Body (red): may be unsure of what you have to communicate but still has something to say. This is where you may find yourself sharing something but we’re not really sure why. 

  • The Gates in our Mercury gives insight into what you are here to share and how you think.

  • With this awareness, choose which channels and ways to communicate is best for you (i.e. how you are designed to share) - instagram, lives, linkedin, youtube, podcasts, newsletters, blogs, mail.

  • What energy are you to emulate / talk about when you are using these channels


  • What you value

  • Your values, ideals, aesthetic standards, relationship wants/needs

  • Morals, ethics, beliefs, self-worth, relationship to material/money, natural partner (attraction), love

  • Governs how you interact with others and with the world around you

  • If Venus is paired with Line 4, how you enter into interactions with those you love and those you work with will be super crucial part of what governs and influences your life path


  • Passion, desire, aggression and potential immaturity 

  • Your drive, motivation, how you act, connection to your physical body

  • Areas you may need to mature into

  • Your opportunity for growth

  • Mars can be immature until the lessons of growth are taken in as wisdom


  • All about blessings, gifts, expansion, how you will create abundance in your life, where you receive rewards

  • Your philosophy and connection to spirit, luck, and joy

  • Expansion, truth seeking, confidence, optimism, adventure, beliefs.


  • Your challenge, perceived limitations, boundaries, life lessons, keys to growing up (especially before 29)

  • Discipline, focus, limitation, restraint

  • Reveals our own limitations, fears, and sense of responsibility

  • Saturn’s energy is all about how we limit or restrict ourselves

  • Saturn's sign can describe how we approach our responsibilities

  • It can also point to traits that we have difficult expressing naturally–and even accepting as part of our personality


  • Your individuality, revolution, where you stand out and may be different/weird

  • May feel ungrounded

  • Represents suddenness, change, shock, disruption to everyday life

  • Breaks into time and changes out patterns and status quo

  • Strong insights, moments of revelation, spurs of creativity

  • New ideas breaking through older paradigm thoughts


  • Neptune is about what is elusive to you and where your spiritual work is

  • How you connect with your highest level of both creativity and divinity, as well as your spiritual practices

  • Affects your creativity and spirituality in the moment

  • Imagination, psychic sensitivities, connection to mystic — everything unseen and unknown

  • Relates to the parts of our lives where we refuse to be limited by beliefs or by tradition


  • Potential for growth, truth and transformation

  • Your intuition, dreams, mysticism, addictions, spiritual genius.

  • Less personal, more collective

  • Renewal, and rebirth

  • It represents endings and new beginnings, as well as spiritual growth and rebirth

  • More generational energies than personal but each will experience and embody the energy differently

Look to each gate and the planet it is activated by. It will give greater meaning, depth, nuance and applicability to your life. For example, you have gate 47 in your conscious mercury - you are here to communicate and share those realisations that come to you. Or you have gate 46 in your earth - you need to ensure you are feeling balanced and healthy in your mind, body and soul in order to be able to show up and express your sun gifts.

Just play with this all. We dive so much deeper and apply it directly to your life in the Certification or in a Reading. Sending love! xx

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Definition in Human Design: how you process the world

Definition describes how the defined centers and defined channels are connected and configured. There are four types: Single definition, Split definition, Triple Split definition and Quadruple Split definition. Each type of definition can have many differentiation of centers, gates and characteristics. I.e. if a group of single definition people, their circuit works in the same way - all energy centers are talking to each other. 

  • Single definition: all defined centers and channels are connected, so the energy can free flow through one circuit - 41% of the population.

  • Split definition: two separate groupings of defined centers that are not connected - 46% of the population.

  • Triple split definition: three separate defined areas - 11% of the population.

  • Quadruple split: four separate defined circuits - 1% of the population.

  • No definition - No defined centers (a Reflector)  - 1% of the population.

Definition shows the way we process things. A rule of thumb, the less separate circuits or groupings of centers (“splits”), the quicker we process information. When we have separate groupings of centers, they aren’t able to transfer information or freeflow energy as quickly. It is like there are two (or three or four) separate conversations at the board meeting. Sometimes they aren’t on the same page or wave length.

Our definition affects how we interact with others and also how coherent our connection to ourselves is. We often seek people that bridge these splits in order to make us feel more “complete”. We particularly feel chemistry with people that have a gate that would bridge a gap between our undefined centers. 

Single Definition

  • All defined centers connected by channels

People with Single Definition process information quickly as there is one freeflow of energy moving between all the defined center. They are all connected in one circuit and talking to each other 24/7. (Being emotionally defined can slow this process due to the need to wait out the emotional wave). They are self-contained, meaning that they aren’t energetically seeking someone to bridge the disconnections in their chart. They are happy to be independent and can often make decisions without other people’s input.

Split Definition

  • Two distinct groups of connected energy centers 

  • Need more processing time

People with Split Definition have two distinct circuits of energy centers that are not all connected together. The center groupings are not talking to each other so easily, like two separate conversations. They need longer time to process information and come to a decision. They do best by processing with another person through a conversation or even just being in their presence. They like to talk things through with people. They are attracted to people that will “bridge the gap” between their two circuits. It helps them feel more complete and at ease. 

There are two subcategories to Split Definition - small and large. A small split is a split of just one “missing” gate between the two circuits.  A large split is a full channel or more that would need to be defined in order to connect the circuit board of defined centers.

Triple Split Definition

  • Three distinct groups of connected energy centers

  • Need more time to process information and come to decisions

People with Triple Split definition have three circuits of energy centers so have multiple places where the circuits need bridging. They enjoy being around more than one person, otherwise they can feel scattered. This is because it is rare to find someone that will be able to bridge all the gaps in their chart. They need more time to process information and come to decisions. So they should be patient and kind with themselves when reaching a conclusion. 

Quadruple-Split Definition

  • Four distinct groups of connected energy centers

Those with Quadruple-Split Definition need a lot of time and freedom to process information since their defined centers are so separate from each other. They have either 8 or 9 centers defined, which means that they aren’t taking in a lot of energy from the outside world. Instead, they are waiting patiently for the energy to filter its way through their centers in order to come to a conclusion.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Using Human Design in your Business

Below is a snapshot of how you can embody your Human Design in your business. In Human Design, your purpose & how you are designed to show up in business & relationships are all interwoven in your design - it is who you are. Nothing in your chart is separate, it works together. So wherever you show up in life, the same principles apply.

Your purpose is You in your true essence and however you decide to express your innate gifts & serve the people you’re here to (using your Strategy & Authority). Your business is your vessel.

Just because you see other people doing business or life in a certain way, doesn’t mean that is a template for you. Tune within & decide what is most aligned. Go through the prompts and sub in what your placements are & what it means. It can be extremely validating & useful to see it all clearly in front of you.

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Hillary McVeigh Hillary McVeigh

Gates within the Splenic Center

Gates are where consistent energy exists in the chart. The gates are mapped according to the planetary activations. If a number appears as one of your activations, that gate will be defined and coloured into your chart as the black and red lines.

Each gate has a theme/flavour to its energy. Therefore, if you have a gate activated, it means you hold that gift (and potential) consistently. The combination of all of these gates/gifts creates your energetic aura.

Each gate encompasses a True Self (higher expression) or Not Self (lower expression), so it is crucial to find a balance in the energy evoked in that particular gate.

Whenever looking at a gate, take note of the center it is coming from because it will embody that energy, i.e. all the gates from the splenic center are about intuition, fear, instincts and timing.

Gates within the Splenic Center:

Gate 18: Perfection

Gate 18 embodies the instinctual and intuitive ability to improve and make things better. They can see a pattern and know how it can be improved.

It can also manifest as a fear that nothing will be perfect enough, so they stay small and stuck. They may not take action because of the fear of not getting it right or the fear of judgement of what others will think if they do. There can become a cycle of self sabotaging and repeating the same patterns that are damaging. They can beat themselves up with negative self-talk or being hyper focused on their flaws and mistakes of others.

They need to find a happy medium between seeking to improve, but not setting expectations too high (that nothing will ever be enough). 

Gate 28: Risk Taking

Gate 28 holds the lessons of the game of life. They enter into experiences that are highly beneficial and up-level their lives. They intuitively find meaning behind any struggles and alchemising these into wisdom. They can face the hard and dark in life with courage and find a deep joy in overcoming obstacles and finding meaning in life.

Gate 28 can also manifest as a fear of time running out and aging. There is a constant pressure of time, where they feel like they will never accomplish or do what they want to. They can avoid stillness, slowness or silence which can result in risky, impulsive behaviour. There can be a fear of death, especially before they find the meaning of their life. This can mean they easily find themselves feeling hopeless, purposeless and meaningless. If stuck in a victim mentality, life will feel harder or less fair for them (which may feel true if not following their design). They may sink into melancholy or a feeling of emptiness when it feels too hard.

Gate 32: Duration

Gate 32 is the energy of guiding their community into its highest potential. They can see the big picture, sense what needs to change, and is in a healthy relationship with both success and failure. With this perspective, they can undertake projects, lead people or fulfil their goals without getting thrown off by the “failures” along the way. They understand that failure is a part of the process and use their intuition when change or a pivot is needed. They can spot potential success and evaluate the goals, dreams and projects that are worthy and viable to be invested in. 

Gate 28 can also show up as a fear of failure. A belief that if they try, they will fail. So instead of listening to their strategy/authority, they stay in fear and don’t push forward. They may be resistant to change, to take risks or trust in their own abilities. There can be a tendency to isolate themselves due to a belief that they must go through life alone.

Gate 50: Values

Gate 50 at its highest expression is a love energy and unconditional support to their community. They are built to take care and support others. They are highly in tune to the needs of others in each situation, while also caring for themselves.

At the lower expression, there can be a fear of failing responsibility, taking on more than they can handle or fear of their highest self. Those with gate 50 do not want to let people down and can be riddled with guilt if they do, especially those they are closest to. Therefore, they are afraid to take on responsibility because they know what that entails. They run away from these responsibilities, which means they do not step into their power or highest self (because they know the responsibility that comes with that). It sometimes might feel safer to play small. This manifests as a fear that if they step into their highest, most powerful Self - then they will be faced with huge responsibility & potential judgment or ridicule from others (i.e. "who does she think she is?!"). They fear their own inherent strength, impactfulness and power because they don’t want to ruffle any feathers.

They need to step into their power, and trust that they can establish boundaries with others. They do not have to be a victim to responsibilities, it is their choice about how much they take on. It is up to them to not overgive, overpromise or babysit other people.

Gate 44: Alertness

Gate 44 gives the gift of intuitively feeling and knowing if people or situations are not truthful. They have an energy that helps them see through bullshit or falseness. They are attuned to truth - they have intuition around patterns; whether the past is worth repeating, or whether it’s about to. They can bring awareness to the lessons from the past so they don’t repeat the same mistakes. They are also attuned to energy so they can create an atmosphere that makes people comfortable. They know how to present things in a way that will be appealing to others

At the lower expression, it can manifest as a fear of the past catching up to them or of repeating past missteps. And/or always looking over their shoulder afraid that what happened before may happen again. They use these past experiences as a “reason” to not move forward. This internal resistance caused from past instances prevents their ability to transform, learn and grow. They need to foster the belief that just because something happened in the past, does not necessarily mean that it will happen in the future and continue to happen. They need to cultivate hope and subconscious belief that things can change and people do change. They have changed.

Gate 57: Intuition

Gate 57 is the most intuitive gate. Those who have this gate have strong intuitive knowing - somewhat seeing into the future. They connect with instant awareness and clear guidance about what is right for them and what is not. They have an intuitive sense for the future - they can see what’s coming next or what problem is coming in the future. It is important to trust this guidance, truth and clarity received in the now from their intuition. Don’t try to explain or logicalise this intuitive instinct. 

At the lower expression, they do not trust their intuition or dismiss their instincts because it isn’t based on logic. This lack of trust can lead to trusting other people’s opinions or overriding intuitive wisdom with their mind. 

It can also manifest as a fear of the future. They may be prone to future tripping where they worry about what will happen next and seek control by planning everything. They may be hesitant to take action for fear of what might happen and spend their time worrying about potential outcomes rather than trusting their intuition.

Gate 48: Depth

Gate 48 is an energy of courage to do things even if it feels scary. They have an intuitive knowing and understanding of beauty and greatness. They can spot what is missing, when things are incomplete and how they can be made better. Those with this gate typically have taste and aesthetic palate.

At the lower expression, there is a fear that they will never be good enough. It can manifest as a belief that they don’t have what it takes. They can get stuck and not move forward out of this fear, or get hung up in constantly perfecting their skills that they never actually take action. There is a tendency to always seek more qualifications, gurus or worth outside of themselves. This is when they should push themselves to follow their strategy/authority and not let the fear keep them still. They need to jump even though it’s uncomfortable. Over time they will prove to themselves that they do indeed know enough and are entirely capable. They should not turn their abilities of sensing when something is incomplete or not enough onto themselves, this is for the external.

This is a beautiful starting point when beginning to interpret the gates from your Spleen center. If it is coloured in, you have that energy consistently. We want to always be aiming to embody the highest expression, but not judging ourselves when in the Not Self (lower expression). It is all about the journey of coming back into your wholeness.

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